Residential Solar Power Installation & Repair
- FREE Solar Analysis
- Solar for homeowners
- Solar for home builders
- Solar energy system installation
- Solar panel & inverter repairs
- Thousands of solar PV installations
- Serving San Diego since 1984
- A+ rating with BBB
- Over 200 five-star reviews online

10 Reasons to Choose Solar Panels for Your Home
1. Save Money on Energy Bills
A solar energy system allows you to produce your own electricity, drastically reducing or nearly eliminating your utility power bill. Solar powered electricity also eliminates your dependency on your local utility company.
2. Zero-Down Solar = Simple Math Decision
Would your new solar + utility payment be immediately LESS than your current utility only payment?
That’s the simple question to find the answer to, which makes it easy to decide whether or not solar energy is right for your home.
The answer depends on a few things; where your home is, which way your roof(s) faces, how much shade hits the roof(s), how much electricity do you use, and ultimately your credit approval for solar financing, etc. For more information, see our article on “How many solar panels do I need?“
In the end, after a FREE solar analysis, the bottom line is usually, “Is my new combined solar payment LESS than my old electricity payments?”
Today’s solar financing plans let you own your own solar energy system without any money down (on approved credit), and the total monthly payment will be less than your current average electric bill.
To learn more about the different solar financing options, see our “Complete Guide to Solar Power Purchase Agreement, Lease, and Buying Solar.“
3. Savings Starts from Day One
Your solar payment can be locked in as a level payment, whereas your utility rates go up every year, which usually makes the projected savings add up to tens of thousands of dollars.
4. Freedom from Utility Company Prison
You are currently serving a life sentence with your utility company. You can’t shop other utility companies, you are stuck with the one you have, SDG&E, and have to pay them for life, no matter what their rates are, and matter how long you live.
With solar power, your solar financing payments will end in 5 to 20 years, depending on the terms you choose, and then all the electricity your solar panels produce is FREE. And systems are warrantied for 25 years with expected life-span are over 40 years.
No more life sentence with your utility company.
5. Get a Federal Income Tax Credit
Solar panel installation is made even more affordable through federal income tax credits.
In tax year 2022, thirty percent (30%) of your total system costs are reimbursed through federal investment tax credits (ITC). Speak with your tax advisor to see if you qualify.
6. Avoid Future Utility Rate Increases
Electrical costs rise every single year. Solar protects you against those rising electrical costs and hiked up rates. With solar energy, you are generating your own power at an upfront fixed price.
7. Benefit from a Secure Investment
Besides the financial incentives and low energy bills, a solar energy system’s return on investment (ROI) typically exceeds 10 percent.
8. Increase Your Property Value
Solar panel system may increase your property resale value. Beginning in 2020 all new homes built in California must have solar already installed.
The marketplace is changing due to the high costs of utility company electricity and the environmental damages of carbon fuels. Solar energy has become the preferred choice.
Depending upon market conditions, solar may help you get more for your home.
9. It’s Good for the Environment
Every solar panel installed equals less carbon-based fuels burnt and less damaging pollution mixed in our air.
In addition to providing you financial savings, your solar panels will also help contribute to environmental health of our city, country, and planet.
10. Maintenance Is Easy
Well made, high-efficiency solar panels don’t require much maintenance after installation.
Washing your solar panels at least once a year or more is all that’s required.
Most systems provide solar power monitoring to ensure that your system is operating at peak efficiency 24/7.
The Complete Guide To Solar PPA, Lease, and Purchase
This extensive guide will help you better understand the differences between a solar power purchase agreement (PPA), lease, and solar loan.
Solar Battery Storage Solutions
Do you want or need electricity even during utility power outages?
Smart inverters and battery storage solutions can make your home an independent grid and keep your lights on during utility power outages.
Solar Monitoring & Alert System
Let our automated service montitor the energy output of your solar panels 24/7 and send alerts when the systems is underpeforming or has gone down.
At just $5 per month, it might be the greatest bargain on the planet!
Solar Power Systems Repair Service
Our solar checkup service will inspect & test your solar panels, inverters, wiring, electrical service panel, breakers, batteries, monitoring, and building code compliance.
How Many Solar Panels Do You Need?
Do you want to know how many solar PV panels your home needs?
This article provides the top 10 factors that will decide how many solar panels your home (or business) will need.
Zero-Down Solar Financing
Solar energy is the most reliable form of renewable energy for homes and businesses.
With the vast improvement of technology, solar energy has become more readily available for customers who are looking to make the switch to solar panels.
Zero-down financing makes it easier than ever to own your own solar power and save hundreds of dollars each year, and tens of thousands of dollars of the life of the system.

Solar for Home Builders
Jamar Power Systems is the leading solar contractor choice for home builders in San Diego and Riverside Counties.
For over 30 years we’ve worked with countless homebuilders and general contractors on projects both large and small.
We’ve installed the electrical and/or solar on tens of thousands of homes.
Jamar Power Systems also works with many custom home builders for electrical, lighting, home automation, and solar design and installations.
How Do Solar Panels Work?
A solar system is a electrical power plant located on your property for your household electricity use.
The solar panels convert sunlight into electricity which gets converted into household A/C electric power by the use of an Inverter.
our solar system is connected to the electric utility grid at your electric meter.
During the day, rain or shine, your solar power system generates useable electricity that your home can directly use.
Any solar power not used during that time is sent into the utility grid for others to use and rolls back your electric meter for credits you earn and can use at night and at other times whenever you use more energy than the solar panels produce.
Professional Solar Contractors
Jamar Power Systems prides itself in the ability to complete a wide range of projects throughout the San Diego and Inland Empire areas.
From small roofs to ground-mounted solar, our team can carry out any project within your home.
Since 2001, we have successfully completed thousands of solar panel installations and are prepared to take on your next home project.
We’ve earned over 200 five-star reviews from customers on SolarReviews, Yelp, Google, BBB, etc.
Since 1984, we’ve been providing superior quality electrical services to San Diego County
Our Solar Sales & Installation Process
If you’re interested in a solar energy system for your home, then you’ll likely want to know what the process is like.
Here are the keys steps that happen when you contact us at Jamar Power Systems when you’re considering producing low-cost, clean and renewable solar electricity for your home.
Step 1: FREE Solar Analysis & Review (can be done in person or by phone, Internet, and email)
This first step gathers your last twelve (12) months electricity usage, which is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) used for each month. This lets us know how much electricity your solar energy system needs produce in order to meet your household’s needs.
Next we look at the area you’re considering for installation of the solar panels. That’s usually the roof(s) but solar PV can also be mounted on the ground or on top of existing or new backyard patio cover structure (if strong enough).
Information required for a FREE Solar Analysis:
1) how much electricity your household used the last 12 months (you provide).
2) where the solar panels will be installed, which way they’re facing, and their angle (you point and we provide).
Note that if you’re considering a ground or patio cover mount then the route back to your main electrical service breaker is important and so we need to see that in person.
3) your home’s exact spot on planet earth using latitude and longitude (we provide).
4) your current main electrical service panel max amps and breaker configuration (you provide a photo or we see in person).
Once we have all that data we can feed it into our custom solar analysis software to see how many of what kind of solar panels you need, how much energy can be produced, and what the immediate and long-term savings would be, if any.
If the math is in your favor and shows good savings and you like what you see and hear about Jamar Power Systems, our 30+ years in business, tens of thousands of projects installed, and excellent customer reviews ratings (and you don’t mind us bragging about it a little), then it’s likely you’ll proceed and sign an agreement to have us provide and install your solar energy system and any applicable financing
Of course cash and your own financing are always welcome payment methods also. In fact, credit unions and home equality lines of credit at their own banks are used by many homeowners.
Step 2: Engineer Makes a Site Visit
Once the initial solar agreement is signed and submitted to our office, and all the paperwork is in order, we will then contact you to arrange for a final site visit by one of our solar engineers.
There are several things our engineers check to ensure you get the best solar panel installation for your home.
First, they will check your home’s electrical status to ensure compatibility with the solar energy system.
Second, the engineer will double-check your electrical panel (that gray box with your breaker switches usually on the side of your garage outside) to see if it will accommodate the new solar breaker required or does it need to be upgraded to meet the panel power output.
Third, the solar engineer will also evaluate your roof’s condition to make sure that it’s structurally sound enough to hold the solar panels.
If it’s a ground mount they will survey the area and path bath to the main service panel. If it’s a patio cover, then structural integrity will be measured as well as the path back to the main service panel.
Lastly, the solar engineer will use a device that measures, records, and reports the monthly projected shade that may cover parts or all of the area where the PV panels are to be installed.
Note that this site visit is different than the preliminary site visit by your Solar Consultant which was made to assess your energy needs and the type of system needed at your home.
This Engineer’s Site Visit confirms all information from the initial visit as well as looks at few more engineering details that are needed for city permit plans, and so it must be performed by one of our licensed solar or electrical contractors.
We’ll use this final engineer’s site data to confirm system installation can proceed as planned, or identify anything that’s different enough to affect previous projections, or will change, delay, or even prevent the installation altogether (examples: too much shade, old roof needs to be re-roofed first, ground mount area is subject to seasonal flooding, patio covers not strong enough, etc.)
Step 3: Getting the Right Paperwork
Fortunately for you, we’ll do most of the paperwork work for you before your solar panel installation.
If there are financing documents needed, we’ll work with you to help get that done at this stage also.
Step 4: Engineering Plans for Permit
Once we have site measurements and confirm electrical service panel specifications, we’ll begin drawing up the engineering plans to apply for your city permit. The permit request is submitted and awaits city approval to move forward with the installation. Any changes the city may request are made asap and resubmitted for approval.
Step 5: Ordering Equipment
This is something that usually happens behind the scenes for most people’s solar panel installation.
In stage one our Solar Consultant helped you select which PV panels, panel quantity, and inverters are to be used. That was either confirmed or had to be changed after the engineering site visit and agreed to by all parties.
At this stage, we’ll be ordering that equipment per the engineering plans and our agreement with you.
Your installation time will depend on 1) how fast the city approves your permit, and 2) the delivery speed of the solar equipment manufacturers or distributors.
Step 5: Solar Panel Installation and Connection
Once we have city permit approval and your solar equipment has arrived, we’re ready for installation. Our office will contact you to schedule the installation.
The big day is finally here. By this point, everybody is ready to go and it shouldn’t take more than a couple of days of installing solar panels at most, depending on your house and chosen system.
Step 6: City Permit Approval of Installation
Once installation is completed we notify the city to get final city permit approval of the installation.
The city will schedule to send an inspector out to examine the installation and sign-off to approve the installation (if it was done per the permit engineering plans).
We send that permit approval to the utility company to show the system has been installed and approved by the city and ready to be turned on.
The utility company then completes their file, changes your account type to solar, and issues permission to turn on and operate your solar energy system (PTO).
This is a fairly simple inspection process, but be aware that it can take anywhere from several days to a couple of weeks before your city will inspect.
Step 6. Permission To Operate (PTO) is Granted by Utility Company.
The final step is waiting for your utility company to place the final inspection city approvals in your file and issue permission to turn on and operate your solar energy system (PTO).
This usually takes just a few days after final city permit inspection but can be weeks if the utility company gets backed up.
Once PTO is issued we then schedule with you to come out to your home, turn on the solar energy system, and go through your owner’ manual and some basic operations with you.
Then you’re officially generating your own clean, renewable, and low-cost electricity!
Get a FREE Solar Analysis to see if solar energy is right for your home.

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